Fly Fishing 101 and 202 Classes

Fly Fishing 101's Classes at CRO

Classes will be on: Saturday April 12th (Sold out), Saturday May 10th, Saturday May 31st, Saturday June 14th, Saturday July 12th, Saturday Aug 9th, and Saturday Aug 30th

Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Where: Chagrin River Outfitters fly shop

Cost: $25 - Payment due at time of registration please.

Learn to fly fish with Chagrin River Outfitters. Intro to fly casting, knots, fly selection, and a little bit more. Just enough to introduce you to the sport and get you on the water, without overwhelming you with technical jargon. Our instructors are avid anglers, fly fishing guides, and excel at teaching the sport they love. Class is limited to 10 students. To register please call Chagrin River Outfitters at 440-247-7110, stop in our shop in downtown Chagrin Falls, or click below to register online 

Fly Fishing 201's Classes at CRO

Trout fishing classes will be on: Saturday April 12th (8 anglers), Saturday May 10th (8 anglers), Saturday May 17th (8 anglers), and Saturday June 7th (8 anglers) Location: Pine Lake Trout Club

Bass/bluegill classes will be on: Saturday July 18th (8 anglers), Saturday July 26th (8 anglers), and Saturday August 16th (6 anglers) Location: TBD

Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm

Cost: $95 - Payment due at time of registration please.

Join the CRO crew for a fun day on the water fly fishing and learning. Build on your 101 experience or just get a little better at fly fishing, this class has a little something for everyone. Class time will be from 8:00 am-12:00pm. Students will need their own rod/reels and leaders. Instructors will provide additional tackle including flies. To register please call Chagrin River Outfitters at 440-247-7110, stop in our shop in downtown Chagrin Falls, or click below to register online 


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